Have you ever wondered what's the part of the day that you like the most? Well, I have and I can say with any certainty that it's not the morning...., Lunch? Hmm... maybe! No, what I really enjoy is that fraction of time during which the sun gently slides behind the horizon. When the sky is set on fire blushing in a orange pinkish glow. At this time reality is altered...even shadows on the ground become abnormally long... you know a day has gone, was it good or bad it doesn't matter, it's like the sun drags every attachment with it beyond the horizon.
I often think how short is this moment, but in Finland is possible to enjoy a never ending sunset and even if the sun does disappear the pinkish glow never stops to paint the sky granting the possibility to enjoy this moment to the full.
Pictures here
Thanks again to Sanna, Kriistina, Bruna and Marco.